so, i just wanna share about my experince to Bali around 2 years ago.
and for the information, its not vacation actually. its the program from my major in university. like i must visit to one place every smester.. :)) so totally 4 places.
the first was Thousand Islandthe second was Halimun Mount
and the thirth was Bali, dewata island or the Gods island. :)
and the last was menado and bunaken! :))
okay, this vacation was obviously different with other. if u guys like something challenging, so u would like the previous trip. because thats trip were not for pleasure or something luxury, but all about indulgence and satisfaction that only belong to the traveler soul. lol. but, seriously it yes.
but why i said this trip was extremely different with others, because theres no something callenging in here. but something that full of fun, theres no things that makes u tired and feel dirty . :P
so no worry :)
well, in bali i was not only experienced about the culture and heritage, but also the taste of great foods(and yummy! :d) and places that u never imagine before. and also something new like ppls wearing bikini everywhere! and its not something weird, its trend in bali!
and when i went there i really enjoy the hotel. the hotel was luxury and gorgeous! also i LOVEEE the breakfast! i can say that i always waiting the breakfast time! lols.
i and fibie ates alot, and european usually stared at ME . lols.
no problem. :P
and, i just felt that it just like WOW! u know what i mean?
everything just feel GREAT, even EXCELLENT! :D yeah, i love the foods , hotel, places, stores, and EVERYTHING! ;)
Actually this was not the first time i went there. this was the second time. the first time i went there with my parents, and i used car. its exclaimed i guess. :)
but i throw up quite much. because i always felt dizzy, especially after lunch. yuck! it feel nasty!
i went to sange where the monkeys everywhere, and u must be careful in there! not because its danger, but the monkeys are sooo totally naughty! no doubt with that!
they could grab your neklace, watches, earings, rings, cap, and everything that u wearing.
so, the first thing u must do before u enter that place u must take off ALL things that u wear. beside your clothes, pants, and shoes of course. :P
and i also visited Lovina Bali, that place on North Bali . And u could find hundreds of dolphins in there! they were adorable! i wish that i could swim with them, and they take me to jump with them. :P it would be fun! :)))
okay, next.
so, i went to Bali for the second time with my college friends. :)
they're fun and lovable! XD
and also to phoebe or fibie :p who always accompany me. and grace obviously.
so, the preparation just fine, im the simple person so i didnt bring much stuff, but simple person is NOT the same with the careless person. u must check all things that u wanna bring. clothes, pants, medicines, panties, towel(just pick the small towel, it just for precaution if in case theres something), sunglasses(optional),lotion SPV(if u dont want have tan skin :P), hat, small umbrella, plastics, tooth paste, and something that u need. ;)
and coz i LOVES eating snacks, so i brought many snacks, like piatos, pokki", etc. but i suggest u not to bring chocolate and milk. i also like them, but when u go by bus u could be dizzy or a kind of sozzly, so i advice u not to eat chocolate in bus or milk, u will throw up, and chocolate easily to melt. u bring choco if u want to hiking, or trekking coz it would increase or enhance your stamina. ;)
and just bring bags that u could folding, its realy important. so if u bought many things, u can use that. :)
i went by bus, and i went back home with airplane.
im sooo excitedd at that time. ^^ ohh, dont forget to bring your HP charge and camera!! its IMPORTANT!
i went by bus for 24 hours and i didnt have much chit chat with my pals, coz i must concentrate about my speech. i have 2 speech , with indonesia and english.
the first topic about something organic and the second about bali.
after my turn, i could be relieved.
Overall about Balin (adopt from wikitravel) :
The first Hindus arrived in Bali as early as 100 BC, but the unique culture which is so apparent to any current day visitor to Bali hails largely from neighbouring Java, with some influence from Bali's distant animist past. The Javanese Majapahit Empire's rule over Bali became complete in the 14th century when Gajah Mada, Prime Minister of the Javanese king, defeated the Balinese king at Bedulu.
The rule of the Majapahit Empire resulted in the initial influx of Javanese culture, most of all in architecture, dance, painting, sculpture and the wayang puppet theatre. All of this is still very apparent today.
The very few Balinese who did not adopt this Javanese Hindu culture are known today as the Bali Aga ("original Balinese") and still live in the isolated villages of Tenganan near Candidasa and Trunyan on the remote eastern shore of Lake Batur at Kintamani.
With the rise of Islam in the Indonesian archipelago, the Majapahit Empire in Java fell and Bali became independent near the turn of the 16th century. The Javanese aristocracy found refuge in Bali, bringing an even stronger influx of Hindu arts, literature and religion.
Divided among a number of ruling rajas, occasionally battling off invaders from now Islamic Java to the west and making forays to conquer Lombok to the east, the north of the island was finally captured by the Dutch colonialists in a series of brutal wars from 1846 to 1849. Southern Bali was not conquered until 1906, and eastern Bali did not surrender until 1908. In both 1906 and 1908, many Balinese chose death over disgrace and fought en-masse until the bitter end, often walking straight into Dutch cannons and gunfire. This manner of suicidal fighting to the death is known as puputan. Victory was bittersweet, as the images of the puputan highly tarnished the Dutch in the international community. Perhaps to make up for this, the Dutch did not make the Balinese enter into a forced cultivation system, as had happended in Java, and instead tried to promote Balinese culture through their policy of Baliseering or the "Balinisation of Bali".
Bali became part of the newly independent Republic of Indonesia in 1945. In 1965, after the failed coup d'etat which was allegedly backed by the Communist Party (PKI), state-instigated, anti-communist violence spread across Indonesia. In Bali, it has been said that the rivers ran red with the reprisal killings of suspected communists—most estimates of the death toll say 80,000, or about five percent of the population at the time.
The rule of the Majapahit Empire resulted in the initial influx of Javanese culture, most of all in architecture, dance, painting, sculpture and the wayang puppet theatre. All of this is still very apparent today.
The very few Balinese who did not adopt this Javanese Hindu culture are known today as the Bali Aga ("original Balinese") and still live in the isolated villages of Tenganan near Candidasa and Trunyan on the remote eastern shore of Lake Batur at Kintamani.
With the rise of Islam in the Indonesian archipelago, the Majapahit Empire in Java fell and Bali became independent near the turn of the 16th century. The Javanese aristocracy found refuge in Bali, bringing an even stronger influx of Hindu arts, literature and religion.
Divided among a number of ruling rajas, occasionally battling off invaders from now Islamic Java to the west and making forays to conquer Lombok to the east, the north of the island was finally captured by the Dutch colonialists in a series of brutal wars from 1846 to 1849. Southern Bali was not conquered until 1906, and eastern Bali did not surrender until 1908. In both 1906 and 1908, many Balinese chose death over disgrace and fought en-masse until the bitter end, often walking straight into Dutch cannons and gunfire. This manner of suicidal fighting to the death is known as puputan. Victory was bittersweet, as the images of the puputan highly tarnished the Dutch in the international community. Perhaps to make up for this, the Dutch did not make the Balinese enter into a forced cultivation system, as had happended in Java, and instead tried to promote Balinese culture through their policy of Baliseering or the "Balinisation of Bali".
Bali became part of the newly independent Republic of Indonesia in 1945. In 1965, after the failed coup d'etat which was allegedly backed by the Communist Party (PKI), state-instigated, anti-communist violence spread across Indonesia. In Bali, it has been said that the rivers ran red with the reprisal killings of suspected communists—most estimates of the death toll say 80,000, or about five percent of the population at the time.
Back to my adventure again!! :d
i hope that info could help u, for the further information u could open google or wikipedia. ;)
Day 1:
after i arrived there, i admit that i was quote tired after 24 hour in the bus, but not really tired. just a bit, but im still excited!
so, we re check in to the hotel in menjangan. and the places was soooo great. honestly, it was the first time i heard about menjangan. usually i only heard cities like jimbaran, sanur, kute, nusadua, etc. so, it was recently new for me.
but that place was soo amazing and romantic. it realy fit for the honeymooners.
the place is surrounding by blue seas and forest. when i step to the menjangan for the first time, i just dazzled about these things, and also there many trees that dont have any leaf. its bald. and its just look like an autumn, because there several leafs with different colour on the path.
i takes picture!! XD
and after that, we invited to the tower for the dining area and theres deck too in there. so, it realy beautiful!
i went to the highest, and look around, the view was sooo amazingg, like i said many many times before. :P ups. sorry. :P
and the dinner area just like combination between modern and country style.
i realy enjoy my time there, and u can mounted(berkuda) or riding horse too in there. but the price quite expensive for me. just around 500 thousand rupiah. >.<
actually i really wanna do mounted, but i cant. :((
next time perhaps. :)
and when i introduced our bed room. i totally dazzled. wow! its really like in the movie! it just like for the honeymooners. lols.
they serve wine, and also its a HUGE bedroom and theres a COOL bathroom! XD
and the bed was great too, and theres sofa with many pillows,. well, i couldnd specify it, but it really great.
and after that, we go the place near the hotel. visit mangrove and kinds like that. there many rocks and plants that lived there, and also i takes picture. never missed to take pict. :P
okay, for the other next day i forgot for the configuration day by day.
but i remember the placed that i went. :P
so, here we go :
we visit laka leke restaurant.
we spent much time in there.
there're many workshop like paint your eggs, makes kites, vessel, and also many gomes too. like run with the bamboo, etc. theres welcome drink too. :)
i choose paint egg, its quite fun! and it looks pretty. but it was broke with my cousin. :((
and also theres balinese dance too.
and at night we enjoy the kecal dance while eating dinner. the dinner also great! with big portion and yummy dessert! XD we ate bebek bengil.
u must try it!
we also visit jenggala, where there many kinds of ceramics and how to makes them.
The ball shape of this candle holder is the union of two different materials. The base, glazed in stone black, is made of stoneware, while the cover is made of a translucent material glazed in satin white. When lit, the candle creates a shadow image through the white dome. This effect brings the horse shoe crab couple to life with majestic movement through their glowing shadows in the dark. The style and unique details of this candle holder collection brings nuance and the element of pleasant surprise to your home.
u could visit here :
PT Jenggala Keramik Bali
Jalan Uluwatu II, Jimbaran-Bali,
Telp. +62 361 703311 (hunting)
Fax. +62 361 703312
Fax.International: +61 2 94750381
-Tanah lot
is located in coastal side of Beraban countryside, Kediri sub district and Tabanan Regency. It is situated in 30 Km in west side of Denpasar town and about 11 Km in south side of Tabanan town. The temple is built on the rock with 3 acre size and reachable in a few minute by walk, because it is just 20 meters from the coastal lip. This temple is very famous among tourist destinations in Bali with spectacular view of sunset. At some nooks of coral reef around Tanah Lot Temple there are holy tame snake in black and white color where according to the local society believe that it as a deity property and as the guard of the temple from the bad influence.
when we arrived at Tanah Lot, rhe first thing we do.. takes pict, definitely. :P
the temple is unique, its placed above the sea, and the balinese believe that there are 2 mystic snakes under the temple. and also there is story behind that.
u could search in wikipedia. ;) but we didnt swim. (so obvious!) we cant swim, because the sea is not like the other. too many rocks in there, and its only hv a bit wave.
u cant enter the temple if u're having periods. its forbidden.
i spent a lot of time enjoy the view with my fellas, and then take a walk, then i met the american family. the parents with 3 kids. and they're cuteee.. XD
i take a pict with the girl and the little baby. one of my friend remind me to not tuch them, because she said usualy western ppl dont like their kids touch by stranger. oops.
but i thought its okay, ;) luckily, their parents were fina, so its okay. ;)
i love babies, and i love western ppl. the kids re adorable, with the sand blonde hair and the combination eye colour. blue, green, and gray. it sooo amazingg.. (for me)
and after that ppl shopping.
- dreamland
dreamland is a beach which soooo beautiful. its still clean and not crowded.
finally. :)) i dont like crowded beach. perhaps no many ppl knew about dreamland, or because theres no facilities in there. seriously. theres no facility in there. but its a good point. so, theres no cesspit and rubbish that can make our sea dirt.
i met several western ppls, b ut not many. they like tan, opposite from indonesian. xixixi.
dreamland sea still clean and soo bluee,, not like kute.
of course, we visit kute. even we stay in there. our hotel was great, and near beach, also there are many stores along the way. i think u will really enjoy shopping in there. because there're disc everywhere! up to 70%. :P
but still expensive, according to me. :P
there are restaurants, also fashion house, and there are surfer girl, hard rock cafe, etc.
so much fun! :D :D
and u dont have to worried if u want to wear bikini or any other sexy swimsuit. ;)
aha! girls must be like it! ;)
u can find any clothes, accesories, hats, dress, pants, sandals and all made in bali! XD
they're quite cheap, bu my friends said not anymore. lol. i dunno the truth.
when u buy, make sure to make a bid. and if u could speak bali, its even greater!
they respect ppls that speak bali, and they could give u the cheap price.
they usually speak in bali with the other merchant and they dealing about the price. so u wouldnt find the different price.
when i went there, they thought that im korean. lols. its bad, they gave me expensive price!
-and also we visit the wine production. they sell white, red, and other sweet wine.
the price was standard. so, nothing to worried. :)
but u can buy only 2 bottles. why? because u only can keep 2 bottles in your luggage. no additional. u could have charge, if u still insist wanna buy more.
im sorry, but i forgot the name.
u can ask the balinese, they will show u. ;)
and the last but not least. ;)
we visit uluwatu. the ppls who visit only extenders. :P
so, we could have additional time to visit sukowati againn.. XD
and also enjoy the uluwatu.
when we went there, we were given "sarung" that have purple colour, and then we could come in.
the places is above the cliff, it so wonderful! so, u can see the spectacular sea under the sunset! amazing! i take a pict too in there. :))
and watch out! theres monkey too in there. :P
so,, this was the end of my journey!
hope my experience could help u!!
nica/ iwied ^^
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