Monday, February 25, 2013

Celebrate "Cheese Day" with Iv :)

whats the matter with 25th february?
theres no special even actually. but, we always celebrate our time together, everytime we meet. i always feel excited and happy everytime i meet him. perhaps because we're apart and we cant meet too often. yeah, perhaps its one of the reason.
but the other reason is just im happy to be with him, no matter often or rare frequency that we spent together.
so, yesterday we went to Living World, one of my fam's fav mall..then today we re having lunch together.
while i worked today at 11.20 pm..suddenly theres a cute waiter deliver a cheese ore smoothies, one of my fav! she said its from the Kaffein's guest. well, he's sweet and cute, isnt it? he always make me smile.
For Iv: *but dont to this if im angry okay? we call it "ngogok". lols.
then..we're going to the Cheesecake Factory, we cant eat upstair because they dont allow to, so we choose seat for four at the corner, taking pictures like we used to. today, i look prettier and more photogenic than yesterday. :p
we look up the menu, he choose lasagna and i choose 'cheese mix' pizza. yummy yummy :D and we also order banana smoothies but theres no banana, so we just order ice lemon tea and he insist to order oreo cheesecake for dessert. aaargh..
we enjoy the foods, i loveee them. i LOVE cheese, but if you eat too much.. we just like wanna throw up. okay, fortunately we order lemon tea, so that sour taste could balance the cheesey taste.
so, overall the lunch was great!
the lasagna is creamy and yummy, with the beef, tomatoes paste and cheese, and the pizza too. love them all. and we enjoy them while we joking. yeah.. about the "ear" thing. erggghhh...
sometimes, iv just too confident.
he always think iw isnt good enough to be paste (physically).
just wanna pinch and bite his chubby cheek.
well, we will celebrate another, perhaps banana day :P
PS: have fun in Bali (25-28 feb) i envy you! dont forget for the 'disco nut' and cant wait for our first month anniv. love you sweetheart. :)

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